Theological News 1/2021 is published
The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly news sheet, is published and can be downloaded as PDF.
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The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly news sheet, is published and can be downloaded as PDF.
The latest issue of Evangelical Review of Theology has been published and can be downloaded here.
In September 22, 2020, the Parliament of The Gambia declined the draft of a new constitution of Gambia. A campaign team of The Gambian Christian Council led by Begay Jabang, an accountant campaigned against the draft for one year and achieved several changes in the final draft of the constitution, but some grave obstacles were left unchanged.
During the 2020 meeting of the The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe (CECE), The Reverend Stephen McPeek, Frankfurt, Chair of the Task Force “Racism, Reconciliation, and Beloved Community”, presented a report and survey on racism in Europe.
My interest in the thousands of peoples (and languages) of this world is unbroken. During the preparation of the hearing of the German federal parliament I found these hand-drawn maps of the peoples and religions of Indonesia after my stay there in 1981.
On December 9, 2020, the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) and the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) presented the 2020 Yearbooks “Religious Freedom” and “Persecution and Discrimination against Christians” at a Video press conference.
In the short film “Tell me about the war”, which the International Society for Human Rights produced this year, you will hear war veterans from seven countries of the former Soviet Union.