Observations on Apologetics and Its Relation to Contemporary Christian Mission
ARTICLE Christians often think of apologetics as something that only academics do, but actually it has always been an essential part of Christian mission.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE Christians often think of apologetics as something that only academics do, but actually it has always been an essential part of Christian mission.
After 30 years of membership in the International Council, Maja Caspari, Chairperson of the Romania Section, left us in March 2020 at the age of 88 after a long illness.
The Department of Theological Concerns of the World Evangelical Alliance has published two speeches of its members at a Human Rights Conference of the Anglo-American University held at the Czech National Bank.
Ein Jahr nach dem 100. Gedenktag an den Beginn der Endphase des Genozids an Griechen im Pontosgebiet und Kleinasien hat der Präsident des Internationalen Rates der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte, Thomas Schirrmacher, die Anerkennung des Genozids an den Pontosgriechen durch Bundestag und Bundesregierung angemahnt.
The national Conferences of Bishops of the Catholic Church worldwide met at the Vatican in February 2019 for a summit on sexual abuse. Time to look back a year later, as much has happened in some countries, but there is no real progress on the global level.
A year ago in April 2019, Pope Benedict published a letter intended to explain how the abuse scandal within the Catholic Church came about – A commentary by Thomas Schirrmacher
Dramatic attacks by the Islamic terrorist group Ahlu Sunnah wa Jamaa (ASWJ) in late March killed hundreds of people in northern Mozambique and have forced thousands to flee, according to reports from local sources.