Grave accusations against the World Evangelical Alliance: thoroughly unfounded
ANSWER An answer to the Open Letter “Is the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Moving Away from its Historic Position on Unity?” of December 6, 2017
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ANSWER An answer to the Open Letter “Is the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Moving Away from its Historic Position on Unity?” of December 6, 2017
I recently visited Desmond Tutu's former home in Soweto. The 85-year-old Nobel Peace Prize recipient and former Anglican Archbishop of Cape Horn is, alongside Nelson Mandela, a symbolic figure of dismantling apartheid in his country.
As every year, the Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom and International President of the International Society for Human Rights presented the two German Yearbooks on Religious Freedom (Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2017) and the Yearbook on the Persecution and Discrimination of Christians (Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2017) to Pope Francis personally.
Schirrmacher was a plenary speaker at the International Religious Liberty Association's 8th World Congress on Religious Freedom, August 22-24, 2017, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Why Persecution and Suffering need to return to the Center of Theology and Dogma
Bp Efraim M. Tendero, Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, together with Bp Thomas Schirrmacher, Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns, paid a visit to His Excellency Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, President of the Republic of Macedonia.
At the Seat of the Holy Synod in Tirana, the Archbishop of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania, His Beatitude Anastasios hosted a delegation of distinguished personalities from Lebanon, of the Ghazanide prominent royal family, since the time of the Byzantine Empire until the 18th century, consisting of Sheikh Selim El Chemor, Beirut, Lebanon, Prince Gharios El-Chemor of Ghassan, Aman, Jordan, Mr. John Domonkos, and Dr. Elie Gharios.