- Prophecy
- Hilarious – with the Prime Minister of NRW Hendrik Wüst in Aachen in January 2024
- All stare at the sleeping Thomas – on the far left Cardinal Turkson. Marseille in September 2021.
- Where is my food? – With the board of the EA in Giuatemala 2023.
- During my recent visit in Ethiopia I kissed the Ethiopian flag in the central government building.
- Best protection possible: Under the blessing of African bishops, pastors and friends at the Global Christian Forum in Bogota, Columbia. In the middle the new secretary of the GCF, Casely Essamuah from Ghana, with his wife.
- Christians that think there are more holy than others should move to the “Oberes Gerechtigkeitsgässchen” (Upper Justice Alleys) at Bern Cathedral
- A welcome present in Pakistan looks like a very long white beard (2017)
- Laughing with Patriarch Gregory III Laham (2017)
- Ecumenical fun: The leadership of the Global Christian Forum in Strassbourg (2016)
- My nose in front of a church in Bern by night
- Hurry, hurry: myself, Bishop Efraim Tendero and Kurt Cardinal Koch running in Lund
- Hugging the UN flag at the end of a session of the UNHCHR in Beirut
- Poor professor: Martin Bucer Seminary Brasil: Do the students really pay attention?
- Speaking with hands
- Commercial break: Calvin Klein between me and the Commander-in-Chief of Lebanon
- Strange discussion: In the middle the President of Timor-Leste (2007-2012), José Ramos-Horta
- (from right to left) Doug Birdsall, Sam Logan, Os Guiness
- Fall from the “twin peaks”, the highest point of San Francisco (2013)
- Photo of the official photographer of the Federal Minister for Human Development minutes before a hearing on religious freedom (2014)
- Street name in Lemgo, Germany (2015)
- The Claw! Lecture, Summit by Federal and State Security Institutions, Hanns Seidel Foundation, Wildbad Kreuth (2015)
- With faculty and students of Martin Bucer Seminary in Caesarea Maritima in Israel – on top of me our archaeologist Alexander Schick
- Laughing with the presidents of the German and Austrian Bishops Conference, Cardinal Marx and Cardinal Schönborn, Munich and Vienna, in the hall of the synod building of the Vatican (2015)
- This is the result of the wrong perspective of a photographer: With the ambassador of Italy in Albania in the Italian Embassy
- Laughing with the Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop of the Netherlands
- As James Bond on the Swiss mountain Schilthorn, where the film “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” was filmed Thomas James Bond (2013)
- Thomas in a sickle shape during a speech given at the Religious Freedom Concert by the Romanian Parliament in Bukarest’s Opera House (2013)
- Always busy, here in São Paulo Airport (2011)
- Cardinal Müller laughs in the Vatican after a joke by Rick Warren
- Niagara Falls (2014)
- My family in Washington (2007)
- Without words (2013)
- This photo has been taken at Cologne Zoo and greets at the arrival at Cologne/Bonn Airport
- During an archaeological excursion in Tel Dan, Israel, I show our students, where the golden calf was standing
- The small boys and girls in us: The Religious Liberty Commission of World Evangelical Alliance meeting in our office in Bonn (2011)
- The police chief of the State of Hamburg presents me the cap of a police captain after a lecture on human trafficking to his officers (2013)
- Wrong way around: With Dean Carsten Friedrich and students in front of the lecture hall of Martin Bucer Seminary in Chemnitz (2009)
- I love all: A seminar in Chemnitz with students from Martin Bucer Seminary (2007)
- Help needed! My deputy repairing my shirt at the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Busan, Korea (2013)
- Potrait Montmatre Paris (2009)
- “Without words”
- Caricature Montmatre Paris (2009)
- After a busy day of organizing sleeping at the National Prayer Breakfast in the German Parlament (June 2015)
- (from left) Volker Lauder, majority leader in the German Federal Parlament, Erika Steinbach, than chair of the human rights committee of the same, Thomas Schirrmacher, Prelate Karl Jüsten
- The Pope allowed a selfie and made a funny gesture for it
- Gentle Dog – Beware of Owner
- The perfect photo – with the Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop of Germany in Warburg 2012
- After a guest lecture in Austria, the Austrian thank me with this T-shirt. No hau is how you pronounce “know how”, but in German means “You will not be beaten” (2010)
- Seen in the restaurant on the table mountain of Cape Town (2010)
- No German festival, but the couloirs of the flag of the Indonesian province Westsumatra
- Fulfilling a wish of my nephew at his wedding (2009)
- Loriot: During the large Loriot exhibition. Loriot was the best known German cabaretist and always did sit on this seat in the same position.
- In the Gouverneur’s palace in Jakarta I was ask to sit down in the official chair
- This how the famous Japanese caricaturist Tomokazu Tabata sees me. He is winner of several prices of the International Society for Caricature Artists (www.caricature.org)
- Without female lecturers and coworkers, the Martin Bucer Seminary could not operate (photo taken at the faculty meeting on March 12, 2009)
- The marathon meetings of the General Assembly of the World Evangelical Alliance in Pattaya, Thailand takes its toll (October 29, 2008)
- Taken in front of our hotel in Alexandria, Virginia, USA outside of Washington, D.C. (September 2007)
- 27 Martin Bucer theologians from 5 countries chuckling at a dean’s meeting on March 12, 2009
- Haircutter sought: A pony in the Duisburg Zoo, 2006
- The photo with my book ‘Modern Fathers’ was not contrived; rather, it is a true snapshot!