- EU Commission in Brussels (2022) © Martin Warnecke
- International Remembrance of the Holocaust in the Berlin Center of the Protestant Church of Germany (2022) © Martin Warnecke
- Abu Dhabi 2021 © Martin Warnecke
- Laudatory speech for Bassam Tibi for the Vordenkerpreis, University of Frankfurt and Plansecur (2019)
- Guest lecture by Thomas Schirrmacher at Morling College in Sydney © BQ/Thomas Schirrmacher
- Guest lecture by Thomas Schirrmacher at St. Paul’s Theological College in Kuala Lumpur © BQ/Thomas Schirrmacher
- Thomas Schirrmacher during his guest lecture at PTS College & Advanced Studies, Manila © BQ/Thomas Schirrmacher
- Thomas Schirrmacher at his inaugural lecture on the founding of the IHRF © BQ/Warnecke
- Thomas Schirrmacher during his lecture at the Syrian Institute of the University of Salzburg © BQ/Warnecke
- Thomas Schirrmacher during his lecture in Hanoi © IIRF/Martin Warnecke
- Thomas Schirrmacher during his ISHR lecture at the University of Freiburg (with audience) © BQ/Warnecke
- A lecture on National Socialism at the University of Mannheim on October 16, 2008
- In conversation after one of my lectures at a World Council of Churches meeting in Geneva on October 20, 2008
- Lecture held at the meeting of the state board of the Protestant Task Force of the CDU party in NorthRhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf on March 25, 2009; in the middle is the chairman, Volkmar Klein, member of the federal parlament
- Lecture at Deutsche Welle’s Global Media Forum on June 3, 2009, with Günter Knabe as Moderator
- Lecture on the relationship between the military and civil society
- A hearing in the council chambers of the OSCE at the Hofburg in Vienna on March 4, 2009
- Guest lecture on religious freedom in the main building of the State University of Freiburg in South Germany together with the International Society for Human Rights
- As expert witness at the human rights committee of the Deutscher Bundestag (2010)
- Sermon on the right to life with represanataives of all Romanian churches in the cathedral in Timisoara, Romania (2012)
- Lecture against human trafficking in the church of the sisters of Mary in Darmstadt (2013)
- Guest lecture on human trafficking in the senate’s chamber of the central building of the University of Cologne
- Guest lecture on human trafficking in the senate’s chamber of the central building of the University of Cologne Law professors
- Testifying in the European Parlament on the invitation of the Indonesian government
- Guest lecture in the Main Hall of the University of Erfurt on “Fundamentalism Today” (2013)
- Guest lecture on “Religious freedom” in the Senat’s Hall to the University of Cologne (2011)
- Guest lecture at the Lutheran Ecumenical Institute at the University of Strassbourg/France (August 2014)
- Lecture against human trafficking in Hamburg’s landmark, the central church called “Michel”
- Speaking to the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Busan/Korea (2013)
- Lecturing in the Pontificial Academy for Social Sciences in the Vatican Gardens (2013)
- Sermon in the Presbyterian Church in Seoul-Korea in front of an organ built by Klais, a world company from my home town Bonn
- VUSH is the Evangelical Alliance in Albania (2014)
- Discussion with Muslim leaders from Indonesia and Tunisia in Brussels
- Preaching in Seoul (2012)
- Panel on martyrdom at SantEgidio’s World Conference on Peace in Tirana, Albania (2015)
- Commemorative speech at the 25th jubilee of the Christian School in Detmold
- Congress on persecution of Christians in Schwaebisch-Gmuend (2011)
- Large plenary against human trafficking at the “Kirchentag” in Hamburg, the largest Protestant gathering in Germany (2013)
- Pleanary speech at the Global Christian Forum, Manado, Indonesie (2011)
- Guest lecture on Pope John Paul II. in the Pontificial University Santa Cruce (2014)
- Being interview against persecution at the “Kirchentag” in Stuttgart, the largest Protestant gathering in Germany (2015)
- Guest lecture at New York University in Tirana, Albania, on Hitler’s religion (2014)
- Speaking at a youth rally of 7000 people at ICF Zurich (2015)
- The German Chancellor Mrs Angela Merkel thanks me for my speech in the Berlin party headquarter oft he CDU (2010)
- Lecture on Religious Extremism in the Middle East, Summit by Federal and State Security Institutions, Hanns Seidel Foundation, Wildbad Kreuth (2015)
- Plenary speech on persecution of Christians at a conference in Schoenblick, Schwaebisch-Gmuend (2015)
- Guest lecture in Hyderabad, India, 1986