- Pope Francis welcomes my statement on the Middle East at the Vatican Synod 2016
- Shortly before the inauguration of Pope Francis in 2013 with the Ecumenical Patriarch and Geoff Tunnicliffe
- Launch of the document “Christian Witness …” in 2011 in Geneva
- My first professorship in Philadelphia 1994–1998
- My first professorship in Philadelphia 1994–1998
- Memories: 1985 in China
- Unforgettable: as a silent vigil, in 1994 I organized a gigantic initiative of burning candles one evening prior to the Bundestag vote on §218 on abortion
- Sister Marianne and Sister Ludwine, both from the deaconess house in Lachen, led my brother Klaus and me to the Christian faith in the mid-1960s (the picture was taken during a visit in February 2009)
- The first Rumanian students in my sociology of religion course at the public University of Oradea on December 2, 2006
- After two dissertations about professors at the University of Bonn (Christlieb and Naumann), I finally received a doctorate at the age of 47 from the University of Bonn, with which I am so well acquainted
- The wedding ceremony of my niece and her husband in the wonderfully beautiful Vetis Chapel in Stuttgart-Mühlheim on May 30, 2009
- Friedrich Wilhelm Schirrmacher (1824–1904), my great grandfather, professor of history in Rostock
- The yearly festival of our street proves a good neighbourship in the heart of Bonn
- Gratulation by the representative of the UN High Commissioner to receiving the human rights price “Pro Fide Award” in Bangkok (2008)
- My working place in the Sociological and Psychological Faculty of the University of the West, Timisoara
- Two further books in Romanian, book signing in Timisoara
- My first doctoral student receiving his doctorate in Geneva, Alfred Neufeld from Paraguay (front, with the document), myself directly behind him as a young professor (1995)
- My 6 volumes on „Ethics“, first edition 1993, 6th edition 2011, plays a major part in my life
- My Master course in sociology of religion in Timisoara (2014)
- Degree for Hanniel Strebel 2010 at Martin Bucer Seminary Zurich Switzerland
- Being a sign post to Jesus – a job for life
- The IIRF fighting for religious freedom together with a Buddhist and a Muslim professor at the Global Media Forum, Bonn (2011)
- Bonn, Jesuit Church, today bishops seat of the Old Catholic Church – I see it all day looking out of the window of my office
- Our charity Giving Hands (Gebende Hände) sends relief goods all over the world
- Visiting one of our major Giving-Hands-project in Mexico (2004)
- With the three deans of Martin Bucer Seminary Germany in the grotto of the Dome of the Rock, where the altar of the First and Second Jewish Temple stood – with permission of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (2012)
- Archaelogy in Jerusalem: Checking the rubble of the temple mount with Professor Gabriel Barkay, head of the Temple Mount Sifting Project
- With students of our Brazilian branch of Martin Bucer Seminary in São Paulo (2015)
- With the former and present directors and presidents of the World Reformed Fellowship in São Paulo (2015)
- Visit in the university pediatric clinic of Vilnius, Lativa, a project of Giving Hands (appr. 1985) Vienna: Against persecution of Christians Rally against persecution of Christians in front of St Stephan’s Cathedral in Vienna during a OSCE-conference (2010)
- Rally against persecution of Christians in front of St Stephan’s Cathedral in Vienna during a OSCE-conference (2010)
- As the President of ISHR with our General Secretary from Uzbekistan, Marad Zakhidov
- Treasurer Hafen, General Secretary Zakhidov/Usbekistan and President Schirrmacher, the executive board of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights (2015)
- Qumran Cave 11Q „Bat Cave“: discovered 1956, the Psalms and the Temple Scroll were found here
- The International Leadership Team of WEA at the inauguration of Bischop Ef Tendero, Honduras (2015)
- Our charity Giving Hands in relief work in Ethiopia
- Our charity Giving Hands in relief work in Afghanistan
- Our charity Giving Hands in relief work in Nepal
- Our charity Giving Hands in relief work in South Sudan
- Women in prison in Azerbaijan produced this impressive tapestry with the symbol of justice for me as President of ISHR. The Chair of ISHR Azerbaijan presents it me (2015)
- A human rights seminar of the ISHR for young people from Central Asia (2015)
- Ecumenical Delegation to the Pope before entering the Vatican (2013)
- As a student the father of my mother lived in this tower in Schwelm, where I was born