- Global Christian Forum in Accra (Ghana) 2024 © Esther Schirrmacher
- Audience with the President of Israel for global Jewish and Evangelical leaders (2022)
- Sunday Service in Kazakhstan (2019)
- Global Christian Forum in Bogota, Columbia (2019)
- Looking from Tiraspol, Transnistria to Moldova on the other side of the river Dniester. “Trans” the river is the Russian, Ukrainian, English, German version, the Transnistria people themselves do not see there country “trans”, on the other side of the Dniester, but this side of Dniester, thus “Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic”.
- The Arch of Constantine at the Via Triumphales in Rom. 315 consecrated, 21 m high and 25.7 m wide.
- The keystone, i.e. the vaulted centerpiece of the middle, fifth arch of the narthex (nave) of the third huge abbey church of Cluny, France, completed in 1230, called “Cluny III”, long the largest church in the world. It shows the pasha lamb with the cross with a Latin inscription surrounding the central figure, translated: “Here I am formed like a small lamb, in heaven I am great”. The original is now in the Ochier Museum, Jean de Bourbon Palace, Saône-et-Loire in Cluny.
- Speech to 40.000 participants of the Ahmadiyya Jalsa Salana in Karlsruhe, the yearly meeting of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Germany, before the lecture of their spiritual leader, Kalif Mirza Masrur Ahmad
- Chancellor Merkel speaking on religious freedom (my head from the back) 2017
- Not really allowed: Photo in the British House of Commons
- Together with Presidents of sections of the ISHR in several GUS states
- UNHCHR press conference in Beirut
- Speaking at a youth rally of 7000 people at ICF Zurich (2015)
- Congratulating the late President of Germany Richard von Weizsäcker (2012)
- In the garden of the Vatican (2013)
- Plenary speech at the Vatican Synod (2015)
- Welcome by Lebanese scouts with Olav Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches
- Commemorating the martyrs of 1915 together with the Syrian-Orthodox Patriarch at the memorial in Cloister Warburg (2015)
- Summit between WCC and WEA in Seoul, Korea (2012)
- This organ in Seoul, Korea, has been built by the Klais-company from my home town Bonn, here after a lecture to Korean professors of theology (2012)
- The Code of Hammurabi, 18th century BC, in the Louvre, Paris (2009)
- With the Minister of Religions of Indonesia (right) visiting the Governor of Manado
- Remembering the holocaust in Jad Vashem in Jerusalem (2012)
- The WEA is greeting the First Lady of Honduras
- Launch of the ‘Global Charter of Conscience’ in Dublin, Ireland, far right on the table: Os Guiness (2013)
- Tel-Dan-Stele of the 8th/9th century with inscription “House of David” discovered 1993 in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem (2012)
- Speech given at the Religious Freedom Concert by the Romanian Parliament in Bucharest’s Opera House, here shaking hands with the President (2013)
- With oriental bishops on the VIP tribune of the German Federal Parliament during the debate on remembering of the Armenian genocide 100 years ago (2015)
- Panel discussion in Berlin celebrating 25 years of the Alevite-Muslim association
- With several Patriarchs of the Middle East, Orthodox, Oriental, Catholic, in Byblos (2015)
- Talking to Christian refugees in the Middle East (2013)
- Talking to Christian refugees in the Middle East (2013)
- In the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem with official permission of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem
- The German State TV filming me in Lebanon in 2013
- Panel discussion on religious freedom, CDU/CSU-fraction in the German Parliament, from left to right: Tanja Samrotzki, Archbishop Bashar Warda, Iraq, Archbishop Ludwig Schick, Bishop Ulrich Fischer, Prof. Heiner Bielefeldt, Prof. Thomas Schirrmacher, source: https://www.cducsu.de/veranstaltungen/menschenrecht-religionsfreiheit-wie-schuetzen-wir-verfolgte-christen-teil-1/galerie/bildergalerie-zum-c-kongress
- Opening the World Mission Conference in Tokio 2010 with 3000 delegates attending
- With delegates of the Copts of six European countries in the EU parliament – right of the flag the chair of the human rights committee
- Without words
- Thomas Schirrmacher in conversation with Monsignor Michael W. Banach, Permanent Vatican Representative at The Organization for Security and Co-operation (OSCE) in Europe; photo taken at an OSCE conference in Vienna in March 2009
- A break in the negotiations in the OSCE council chambers at the Hofburg in Vienna on March 4, 2009
- True life stories from Uganda: Visiting grand parents in Uganda, whose grandchildren are orphans because of AIDS (2006)