This week, Thomas Paul held his first “live” sermon in his hometown Bonn since the Covid-19 pandemic started.

First the first time since the covid19 pandemic and its lockdown rules, Thomas Paul Schirrmacher preached in a church in his home town Bonn. The Baptist Church in Bonn (Evangelisch-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Bonn) interviewed him on different areas of the engagement of the World Evangelical Alliance and asked him to preach on Genesis 2:15. Thomas Paul said, that the earth is humanities „baby“. God entrusts babies to parents. The parents have all power, yet not to suppress their babys or make them slaves, but to grow them, nurture them and assure the best for them. Likewise God entrusted the earth to those humans, female and male, he has created in his image. We do not own the world, but it has been entrusted to us and we bear responsibility to its owner, the Creator himself.

See a selection of Thomas Paul’s interview answers and sermon in the video „The week with Thomas Paul 13″ (German with English subtitles).


One Comment

  1. Eva Heuser says:

    Vielen Dank, Herr Schirrmacher, für diese klaren Worte! Gerade Christen aus dem “evangelikalen” Spektrum haben Nachholbedarf, was die Sorge für die Schöpfung angeht. Ich habe mich journalistisch mit diesem Thema auseinandergesetzt und muss sagen: Es gibt Hoffnung, aber es bleibt noch einiges an Überzeugungsarbeit zu leisten. Danke für Ihren Beitrag!
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