Schirrmacher speaks up against apostasy laws
During the Ministerial of Religious Freedom in London, Schirrmacher speaks up against apostasy laws
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
During the Ministerial of Religious Freedom in London, Schirrmacher speaks up against apostasy laws
Der Menschenrechtspreis 2016 der Schweizer Sektion der IGFM geht an eine mutige und zugunsten der Menschenrechte bewusst polarisierende Frau, die gewissermaßen in einem der wichtigsten Wespennester der Gegenwart ‚herumstochert‘.
Westminster Theological Seminary launches comprehensive study on apostasy in contemporary Islamic Theology by well-known scholar of Islamic Studies Christine Schirrmacher (Bonn, 19.02.2015) “Abolish all apostasy laws as they hamper human rights”. With these words by […]
Diese Meldung stammt ursprünglich aus dem Jahr 2015 und ist bisher nicht in meinem Blog erschienen. (Bonn, 13.06.2015) Der Religionswechsel ist zentraler Bestandteil des Menschenrechts auf Religionsfreiheit gemäß Artikel 18 der Allgemeinen Erklärung für Menschenrechte […]
(Bonn, 10.12.2012) The participants of a World Council of Churches (WCC) sponsored hearing on the misuse of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws have urged the Pakistani government to “take realistic and solid steps to stop abuse of the […]
(Bonn, 08.01.2013) The World Evangelical Alliance congratulates Dr. Christine Schirrmacher on completion of her professoral thesis on ‘Apostasy in Muslim Theology’ and the beginning of her teaching career at the Islam department of the Friedrich Wilhelms […]
Even though it was published in my German already in 2012, I here offer an English translation of a comment relating to blasphemy – in the light of the terroristic attack in Paris. Secretly and […]