Norbert Altenkamp MP on the hearing on religious freedom in the German Bundestag
Summary by Norbert Altenkamp MP of the hearing on the ‘Third Report of the Federal Government on the Global Situation of Freedom of Religion or Belief’.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Summary by Norbert Altenkamp MP of the hearing on the ‘Third Report of the Federal Government on the Global Situation of Freedom of Religion or Belief’.
It is gratifying that in Germany politicians who neither suck their honey from making other politicians look bad nor pay constant attention to their media image can still be successful.
New Yearbooks ‘Religionsfreiheit 2018’ and ‘Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2018’ presented
ARTICLE “Protestant responsibility” (“Evangelische Verantwortung”) of the EAK of the CDU/CSU publishes “critical statement” on the decision of the Rhenish State Synod
The CDU/CSU Evangelical Working Group has published a talk held by the President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights, Thomas Schirrmacher. The talk, entitled “Human Rights in the One World,” was held at at the State Synod of the Lutheran Church in Württemberg and has been appeared in the CDU/CSU Protestant Working Group’s Evangelische Verantwortung (Protestant Responsibility) magazine.
ARTICLE Why Christianity increasingly suffers from discrimination and persecution
With this photo I made it into the Facebook-account of Chancellor Angela Merkel: