Thomas Schirrmacher thanking the Great Imam of Lahore, Syed Muhammad Abdul Khabir Azad, leading the second largest mosque in the world with up to 100.000 visitors on Fridays, that he several times stoped a mob, that want to burn Christian quarters
Christine and Thomas Schirrmacher have paid a visit to the ministry of religious affairs in Azerbaijan as well as to government organizations having to do with the areas of religion and culture. Additionally, they visited the leaders of the different Muslim confessions as well as leaders of the Jewish community and the leadership of the officially recognized denominations within the country (Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran), all in an effort to construct a picture of the situation relating to religious freedom and the status of the dialogue conducted between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Besides that, they also met with the chairpersons of the most important human rights organizations in the country.
After the last general audience with Pope Francis prior to the summer break, the Pakistani human rights lawyer Aneeqa Anthony has presented a painted brick as a symbol for the numerous Christians enslaved in brick factories in Pakistan. The President of the International Council of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), Thomas Schirrmacher, and the leader of the ISHR's Department for Religious Freedom, Michaela Koller, arranged the meeting and accompanied the lawyer.
“The secular state must equally guarantee freedom of religion for freedom loving Muslims and use its monopoly on the use of force to suppress those Islamists who are enemies of freedom of religion.”
After conviction the criminals were not initially sent to prison, but a day later the implementation of justice may have begun, more than nine years after the death of the martyrs. This article was originally […]
The 2016 Yearbook on Religious Freedom contains articles by Angela Merkel, Volker Kauder, Annette Schawan, and Heiner Bielefeldt as well as articles by Alevites, Yazidis, and Baha’i. The 2016 Yearbook on Christian Persecution and Discrimination goes into the question of religious minorities in refugee shelters and deals in particular with China, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, and Turkey.
Schon vor dem Erscheinungstermin am 03.11.2015 stehen das Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2015 und das Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2015 ab sofort kostenlos zum Download und zum freien Einstellen und Bereitstellen auf anderen Webseiten bereit.
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