Paul Was a Religious Extremist Too
ARTICLE As an evangelical theologian, I affirm that the ‘evangel’, God’s gospel of love and forgiveness, is the sole message of hope for this world.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE As an evangelical theologian, I affirm that the ‘evangel’, God’s gospel of love and forgiveness, is the sole message of hope for this world.
With a history of over 44 years of providing theological perspectives and insights on contemporary issues, you can download the latest issue of Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) now online free of charge.
With a history of 44 years of providing theological perspectives and insights on contemporary issues, we are very pleased to now offer you the Evangelical Review of Theology (ERT) online free of charge.
ARTICLE Christians often think of apologetics as something that only academics do, but actually it has always been an essential part of Christian mission.
ARTICLE I have been ask to provide a short version of my essay ‘Do We Need a Special Ethics for the Last Days?’. Peirong Lin, our research coordinator, was so nice to provide it, here it is.
ARTICLE We have heard how the relationships between Paul, Philemon and Onesimus shaped a new category of relations. I want to extend this idea a step further.