AEA and EA published speech of the WEA Secretary General
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa and the EA in Kenya published speech of the WEA Secretary General and all dinner speeches at Youtube
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa and the EA in Kenya published speech of the WEA Secretary General and all dinner speeches at Youtube
The WEA Secretary General and WEA’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Bonn met Tony Kurbanov, Executive Coordinator of UN VOLUNTEERS (UNV).
AEA hosted the WEA General Secretary and his delegation for a friendly meeting with various evangelical leaders in Africa.
Thomas Schirmacher meets with the AEA General Secretary and leadership of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya
New York Times prints letter to the Editor by the Secretary General of WEA
ARTICLE For me, John Stott is a role model for all evangelical theologians. He was an impressive master of complementarity.