The Marriage of the Parents
ARTICLE The love relationship between father and mother is of the utmost importance for raising children. Indeed, it should have priority over the relationship with the children.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE The love relationship between father and mother is of the utmost importance for raising children. Indeed, it should have priority over the relationship with the children.
The newest volume of the WEA World of Theology Series offered for global discussion is the adapted English translation of the book ‘Modern Fathers’ by Thomas Schirrmacher, Associate General of WEA.
Thomas Schirrmacher. Modern Fathers: Neither Wimps nor Tyrants. World of Theology Series. Vol. 13. Culture and Science Publishing: Bonn, 2019.
The Vatican is currently hosting the Family Synod. Thomas Schirrmacher, Head of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, is the only German Protestant present and takes stock for pro.
In terms of language and in its very nature, worlds separate Amoris Laetitia on marriage and family from writings by earlier popes on sexual ethics, even if the official teaching by the church has hardly changed. The […]
1. Beispiel Niedersachsen Niedersachen wollte in seinem Gesetzesentwurf für ein neues Mediengesetz in dem zukünftig größer geplanten Gremium der Landesmedienanstalt den Vertreter des Deutschen Familienverbandes (DFV) durch einen Vertreter des Lesben- und Schwulenverbandes ersetzen. Ab […]
These pictures may be used by press and media, if stated: “By courtesy of Thomas Schirrmacher”.