Ending Violence Against Women – Starting in the Church
On November 25th, 2022, many women’s groups and churches across the globe supported the International Day to End Violence against Women.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
On November 25th, 2022, many women’s groups and churches across the globe supported the International Day to End Violence against Women.
WEA MC Global Consultation Highlights Importance of Local Leadership, Role of Women for Future of Mission
In many countries women experience violence and exploitation, they have been beaten and oppressed for centuries.
Thomas and Christine Schirrmacher, both professors serving the World Evangelical Alliance, lectured at The Full Gospel Assemblies Bible College, Lahore, founded in 1967. They praised the school for giving female students such a prominent place in a country, in which women suffer from being second class citizens, that often do not count.
Die Frühe Kirche kannte das Diakoninnenamt. Die orthodoxen Kirchen führen es seit 2004 sukzessive wieder ein, derzeit noch nach Maßgabe der Ortsbischöfe. Auch andere Kirchen, die die Frauenordination zum Pastoren- oder Priesteramt nicht kennen, haben trotzdem das Diakonenamt wieder für Frauen geöffnet. Wie bei den katholischen Diakonen heute, haben Diakone und Diakoninnen in der Frühen Kirche am Vollzug der Taufe und des Abendmahls mitgewirkt, nicht aber die Sakramente selbst vollzogen bzw. eingesetzt.
Focus magazine reports on the civil war in Iraq – as many other forms of media have: “Everywhere in the city there are posters hanging which order families to give up their unmarried daughters – for […]