• Church Government

    Church Government

    ARTICLE The Three Levels of Government in the New Testament Church

  • With Billy Grahams son Franklin, only a few days before his father died

    Billy Graham’s advice to me

    As a young man, I had the rare chance to meet Billy Graham personally. I asked him what he would do differently if he could Iive over again. He replied that before becoming a Christian leader, he would have invested much more time in studying the Bible in depth and being discipled by a respected Bible teacher.

  • Pastor Heinrich Klassen interviewing Thomas Schirrmacher © BQ/Warnecke

    Christians like to think!

    According to the Evangelical theologian and sociologist Thomas Schirrmacher, Associated Secretary General of World Evangelical Alliance, issues facing Christianity around the world have increased and include more and more countries and various circumstances. At the same time, Jesus’ church is growing to an extent never before known, and in some regions such as Iran or China it is seemingly growing almost on its own.

  • Pope Francis and Women in the Office of Diaconal Ministry

    Pope Francis and Women in the Office of Diaconal Ministry

    Die Frühe Kirche kannte das Diakoninnenamt. Die orthodoxen Kirchen führen es seit 2004 sukzessive wieder ein, derzeit noch nach Maßgabe der Ortsbischöfe. Auch andere Kirchen, die die Frauenordination zum Pastoren- oder Priesteramt nicht kennen, haben trotzdem das Diakonenamt wieder für Frauen geöffnet. Wie bei den katholischen Diakonen heute, haben Diakone und Diakoninnen in der Frühen Kirche am Vollzug der Taufe und des Abendmahls mitgewirkt, nicht aber die Sakramente selbst vollzogen bzw. eingesetzt.

  • Criminals and Murderers carve out a Career among God’s People

    Criminals and Murderers carve out a Career among God’s People

    Christian forgiveness is so complete that in the Bible there are men and women with dark pasts who rise up to become premier role models and leaders.