90 years deaconess motherhouse Lachen
Secretary General contributes to the Festschrift of the Home of Deaconesses where he found Jesus
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Secretary General contributes to the Festschrift of the Home of Deaconesses where he found Jesus
We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Schirrmacher for answering our questions. He is known as somebody who is prepared to give offense, if appropriate.
50 years ago the Associate Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Thomas Schirrmacher, who is responsible for theological concerns, decided to move Jesus Christ into the center of his life. The place where this happened was the diaconal facility Diakonissen-Mutterhaus in Lachen, Germany, and it is there that Schirrmacher gave a sermon in a worship service upon the anniversary of this occasion and thanked the two deaconesses who looked after him at that time and explained the gospel to him.
Diese Tabelle ist eine Erweiterung der Tabelle in meinem Buch „Koran und Bibel“ (2009), das inzwischen im Mai 2012 in 4. Auflage erschienen ist (Bestellmöglichkeit hier). Zudem sind die beiden Spalten hier vertauscht worden, so […]
Existenz des Schöpfers contra Vertrauen auf den Schöpfer! Die Frage, ob andere Religionen an denselben Gott glauben, führt aus evangelikaler Sicht leicht in die Irre, da es für Christen eher darum geht, ob man in […]