Benedict’s Jesus Trilogy and Historical Critical Theology
These comments were written during Pope Benedict XVI’s term in office, prior to his resignation. References that were current at the time have not been changed.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
These comments were written during Pope Benedict XVI’s term in office, prior to his resignation. References that were current at the time have not been changed.
Due to the criticism, that he had abandoned the doctrinal foundations of the Christian faith in favour of a purely experiential religion in a speech given in Bogotá at the Global Christian Forum, the Associate Secretary-General for Theological Concerns of the World Evangelical Alliance, Thomas Schirrmacher, has now made his speech available to the public in German and in English language.
PDF-Download of full version here. Here the first two pages abbreviated: The Pontifical Biblical Commission is a part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which in a certain sense is the Vatican’s […]
Diese Tabelle ist eine Erweiterung der Tabelle in meinem Buch „Koran und Bibel“ (2009), das inzwischen im Mai 2012 in 4. Auflage erschienen ist (Bestellmöglichkeit hier). Zudem sind die beiden Spalten hier vertauscht worden, so […]
Leicht bearbeiteter Auszug aus: Bibeltreue in der Offensive: Die drei Chicagoerklärungen zur biblischen Irrtumslosigkeit, Hermeneutik und Anwendung. Herausgegeben und übersetzt von Thomas Schirrmacher, 3. überarb. Aufl. 2009, VKW: Bonn, 2009. Wenn historisch-kritisch heißt, dass man […]