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World of Theology Series 24: The Decalogue Project: Disciples from Six Continents Engage God’s Ten Commandments
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World of Theology Series 24: The Decalogue Project: Disciples from Six Continents Engage God’s Ten Commandments
An Atheist kills a Christian in Freiburg because, among other things, she did not consider homosexuality fitting behavior.
At the moment, Among the cheapest and most promising ways to defame those who think differently is to throw them into the same pot as ISIS and Islamist terrorism. While it has almost become normal […]
In terms of language and in its very nature, worlds separate Amoris Laetitia on marriage and family from writings by earlier popes on sexual ethics, even if the official teaching by the church has hardly changed. The […]
1. Beispiel Niedersachsen Niedersachen wollte in seinem Gesetzesentwurf für ein neues Mediengesetz in dem zukünftig größer geplanten Gremium der Landesmedienanstalt den Vertreter des Deutschen Familienverbandes (DFV) durch einen Vertreter des Lesben- und Schwulenverbandes ersetzen. Ab […]
In an article for the Washington Post and on the television channel Fox the lesbian radio presenter Tammy Bruce addressed as a vocal, professing lesbianvthe gay and lesbian movement because the former homosexual minority is today paying its former enemies back in kind.
Eine Studie des Gesundheitsministeriums (CDC) der USA veröffentlichte 2013 ihre Befragung von 33.000 Erwachsenen.1 Danach gaben 96,6% an, heterosexuell zu sein, 1,6%, homosexuell oder lesbisch zu sein [Männer: 1,8%; Frauen: 1,5%], 0,7% bisexuell [Männer: 0,4%; […]