Thomas Paul’s week – No. 47 (2023)
In this video, Thomas Paul visits Mumbai/India and talks to Snehal Pinto.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
In this video, Thomas Paul visits Mumbai/India and talks to Snehal Pinto.
A memorial service was held on June 19 for Dr. Ken Gnanakan, former General Secretary of the Asia Theological Association (1991–2001) and longtime contributor to the World Evangelical Alliance’s work, who died suddenly on May 9 after preaching at an online service.
Richard Howell and Thomas Schirrmacher hand Pope Francis reports on persecution in India, by the Global Christian Forum and by the World Evangelical Alliance
60th General Conference of Military Chaplains on the Topic of “Violence within Religions” (Berlin, 24.10.2015) This General Conference held by all Catholic military and chaplains with representatives from many other European countries took place Berlin-Steglitz and […]
Gastvorlesung an der Universität New York Tirana (Bonn, 31.03.2015) Der Präsident der International Society for Human Rights und Botschafter für Menschenrechte der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz hat eine Gastvorlesung an der University of New York Tirana, […]
In 1877 a Pietist theology professor called for an end to the Chinese opium trade Excerpt from Thomas Schirrmacher. Theodor Christlieb und seine Missionstheologie (Theodor Christlieb and His Theology of Mission). Telos: Wuppertal, 1985. “The […]
24% der Bevölkerung, also über eine viertel Milliarde Einwohner gehören zu den unterprivilegierten, in der Verfassung eigens erfassten und eigentlich in Artikel 17 seit 1947 abgeschafften ‚Scheduled Castes‘ (SC), die sich in die Dalits (früher […]