Europe and the USA should combine their Expertise in the Battle against Human Trafficking
The President of the International Society for Human Rights at the Atlantic Academy in Kaiserslautern
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The President of the International Society for Human Rights at the Atlantic Academy in Kaiserslautern
The 2016 Yearbook on Religious Freedom contains articles by Angela Merkel, Volker Kauder, Annette Schawan, and Heiner Bielefeldt as well as articles by Alevites, Yazidis, and Baha’i. The 2016 Yearbook on Christian Persecution and Discrimination goes into the question of religious minorities in refugee shelters and deals in particular with China, Iraq, Iran, Indonesia, and Turkey.
The Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom and Moderator for Ecumenical Relations of the World Evangelical Alliance, Thomas Schirrmacher, together with the Secretary General of the Asian Evangelical Alliance, Dr Richard Howell (New Delhi), informed themselves personally in the Department for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church about the results of the conversation between the Pope and the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Der Präsident des Internationalen Rates der IGFM, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher, hat der Hohen Vertreterin der Europäischen Union für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Federica Mogherini, zur Verleihung des Internationalen Demokratiepreises Bonn im Alten Rathaus der Stadt Bonn gratuliert.
Statement on Re-election as President of the International Council by the Sections of the ISHR for the period 2016–2020
Die Deutsch-Kurdische Juristenvereinigung e.V. hielt ihre Gründungsfeier an der Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main ab. Etwa 300 Gäste aus dem Bundesgebiet sowie der Schweiz verfolgten die Vorstellung und Ausführungen des Vereins. Dieser möchte sich für […]
The International President of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR), Thomas Schirrmacher, has been received for an interview by the Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Assistance, Christoph Strässer, Member of the Bundestag.