Washington Times quotes my number of martyrs
The Washington Times writes the following on the numbers of martyrs per year in its ‘Special on Religious Freedom under Assault’ of September 23, 2015, the day of the Pope’s visit:
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The Washington Times writes the following on the numbers of martyrs per year in its ‘Special on Religious Freedom under Assault’ of September 23, 2015, the day of the Pope’s visit:
Source: WEA News The Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom, Thomas Schirrmacher, gave a guest lecture entitled “Religious Freedom as a Threatened Human Right in Worldwide Perspective: The Major Factors in the Growing Assault […]
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Freunde der Menschenrechte! Eine Websuche zeigt mir, dass alle wichtigen Schweizer Medien – Fernsehen, Print und Online; sfr, NZZ und Schweiz am Sonntag – die Preisverleihung des Menschenrechtspreises der […]
A commentary by the Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom, Thomas Schirrmacher, on the most recent pronouncement by the Dalai Lama The Dalai Lama has decided that he does not wish to have […]
(Bonn, 25.04.2014) The International Council of the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) elected Thomas Schirrmacher, the renowned German human rights activist specialising on human traffikcing and religious freedom, as its new president at its […]
(Bonn, 25.04.2014) Der Internationale Rat der International Society for Human Rights (ISHR) hat den deutschen Menschenrechtler Thomas Schirrmacher bei seiner zweitägigen Ratstagung in Bonn zum neuen Präsidenten der ISHR gewählt. Die ISHR hat Sektionen und […]
(Bonner Querschnitte No 263) The Ambassador for Human Rights of the World Evangelical Alliance, Thomas Schirrmacher, attended the installation of the new Coptic bishop in the German state of Hessen as the only ecumenical participant. […]