Collaboration without Compromise: The World Evangelical Alliance and Roman Catholic Leaders
WRF members Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas Johnson discuss “Collaboration without Compromise”
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WRF members Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas Johnson discuss “Collaboration without Compromise”
ANSWER An answer to the Open Letter “Is the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) Moving Away from its Historic Position on Unity?” of December 6, 2017
According to the opinion of the evangelical theologian and mission scholar Christof Sauer, the new Apostolic Letter of Pope St. Francis with the title “There is no greater love (maiorem hac dilectionem) – on the offer of life” is to be welcomed, as far as it concerns the definition of a martyr.
An international consultation of some thirty theologians and church leaders from a wide range of Christian traditions gathered in Accra, Ghana, to explore “perceptions of proselytism” in the exercise of the universal mandate to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Changes in the Catholic Church are encouraging Evangelicals to cooperate with it. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance (SEA) has been working in Bern on a sensational working paper.
19 years after the establishment of the Global Christian Forum, the representatives of the world Christian community met together in Geneva for a historic meeting to decide on its continuation