The World is Ripe for Conversion
Die Zeit für die Bekehrung der Welt ist reif. Rufus Anderson und die Selbständigkeit der Kirche. 2., korrigierte und auf neue Rechtschreibung umgestellte Aufl.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Die Zeit für die Bekehrung der Welt ist reif. Rufus Anderson und die Selbständigkeit der Kirche. 2., korrigierte und auf neue Rechtschreibung umgestellte Aufl.
WEA Secretary General visits Trans World Radio in Bonaire that shares the Gospel with 100 million people in the Americas
The new Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Bishop Thomas Schirrmacher, talks in an interview with the “Tagespost” about his ecumenical relationship with Pope Francis, about Christian mission and how he met persecuted Christians as a child.
ARTICLE Thoughts on the relationship of theology, missiology and mission, presented by the chair of the Theological Commission of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Thomas Schirrmacher, to the General Assembly of the Missions Commission of the WEA at Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany, November 2011.
A Mennonite and Evangelical visionary thinker and bridge builder – Obituary by Thomas Schirrmacher
Thomas Schirrmacher congratulated the head of the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania, Anastasios Yannoulatos (90), upon receiving the 2020 Klaus Hemmerle Prize and described him as one of the most important living missions and religious studies scholars.
At its annual conference, the Evangelische Forum für Mission, Kultur und Religion e. V. (Evangelical Forum for Mission, Culture and Religion), briefly named ‘missiotop’, which belongs to the Evangelical Alliance in Germany, elected Dr. Martin Heißwolf as its new chairman.