The Conversion and Baptism of Iranians: Simultaneously Saving the Honor of Converts to all Religions
Why of all Things do Muslims become Christians? A Word regarding the Baptisms of Iranians, Afghans, and Others
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Why of all Things do Muslims become Christians? A Word regarding the Baptisms of Iranians, Afghans, and Others
After “Manchester,” there was complete silence in the British media and within British politics about the fact that the perpetrators and those who took responsibility for the act of terror invoked Islam. It is a worthy aim to have the desire to prevent innocent individuals, in this case Muslims around the world, from being thrown into a maelstrom where they are prejudged. However, this is certainly not how the problems will be solved.
A german review of the book „Koran und Bibel“ by Anna Müller.
Christine and Thomas Schirrmacher have paid a visit to the ministry of religious affairs in Azerbaijan as well as to government organizations having to do with the areas of religion and culture. Additionally, they visited the leaders of the different Muslim confessions as well as leaders of the Jewish community and the leadership of the officially recognized denominations within the country (Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran), all in an effort to construct a picture of the situation relating to religious freedom and the status of the dialogue conducted between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Besides that, they also met with the chairpersons of the most important human rights organizations in the country.
Suggestion for an interreligious Code of Ethics for Missions This article was originally published in 2016 and didn’t appear on my blog until now. (Bonn, 01.08.2016) Media reports state that Aiman Mazyek, Chairman of the […]
COMMENTARY A Commentary based on a table of member countries of the OIC and the religion of their citizens – a statistical research project of the International Institute of Religious Freedom (2013, translated 2016).
Till Stoldt hat mich in seinem ausgezeichnet recherchierten Artikel „Vor allem diese Flüchtlinge werden Christen“ über die Taufen von Asylsuchenden in deutschen Kirchen mehrfach kurz interviewt.