Theological News 4/2018 is published
The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly four page news sheet, is published and can be downloaded.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly four page news sheet, is published and can be downloaded.
/ Special topics ecumenical relations, Evangelicals, ProMundis Blog
The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly four page news sheet, is published and can be downloaded.
The latest issue of the Theological News, the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, a quarterly four page news sheet, is published and can be downloaded.
Der Newsletter der Theologischen Kommission der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz erscheint viermal im Jahr. Die neuesten Ausgabe können Sie hier herunterladen.
Our Martin Bucer Seminary publishes a lot of material in German language, that can be ordered here
TN is the newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance
The newsletter of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance are published four times a year and newest edition of the can be downloaded under (see the right column). You can download the four pages […]
/ Special topics theology, Newsletter, ProMundis Blog, Theology