IIRF is involved in launching the IHRF in Oxford
The International Institute for Religious Freedom is involved in launching the Institute for the Study of the History of Religious Freedom in Oxford
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The International Institute for Religious Freedom is involved in launching the Institute for the Study of the History of Religious Freedom in Oxford
Together with Dr Uziel Santana, law professor from Brazil and Director of the Latin American Office of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF), and Dr Gonzalo Ramirez, President of the National Congress of Costa Rica, Thomas Schirrmacher praised Regent’s Park College of Oxford University for its achievements in the last 60 years. In a small ceremony remembering, that the college was licensed by Oxford University 60 years ago, they donated a large plate, which now hangs at the main hall of the college.
Im Rahmen der in Oxford tagenden ‚Religious Liberty Partnership‘, einem Netzwerk globaler NGOs, die sich für Religionsfreiheit einsetzen, haben führende Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen diskutiert, wieso Fragen der Verletzung der Religionsfreiheit von der wissenschaftlichen Forschung so stiefmütterlich behandelt werden.