Video: Schirrmacher sees positive Results from the Pope’s Visit to Azerbaijan
Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass with the small Catholic community of Azerbaijan.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass with the small Catholic community of Azerbaijan.
Im Rahmen eines Treffens von evangelikalen und pentekostalen Leitern aus den USA mit Papst Franziskus hat der Vorsitzende der Theologischen Kommission der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz (WEA), Thomas Schirrmacher, Papst Franziskus sein neues Buch „Kaffeepausen mit dem Papst: Meine Begegnungen mit Franziskus“ vorgestellt.
Thomas Schirrmacher, “the Pope’s favorite Protestant” (Die WELT), has had frequent meetings and conversations with Pope Francis.
Thomas Schirrmacher paid tribute to Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, upon the occasion of the Pope’s 80th birthday. Schirrmacher acknowledged that Pope Francis is above all a man of integrity who makes the most unusual proclamations and promises come true.
Thomas Schirrmacher has dedicated his book “Coffee Breaks with the Pope” to Cardinal Kurt Koch for his efforts in connection with the “ecumenism of martyrdom.“
In late November the 3 day “Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security” was held at the UN in Geneva to address the spread of violent extremism, which manipulates and misuses religion to justify brutal violence against civilians.
World Evangelical Alliance leader speaks on impact of Francis’ Sweden visit