Howell and Schirrmacher hand Pope Francis four books and reports
Richard Howell and Thomas Schirrmacher hand Pope Francis reports on persecution in India, by the Global Christian Forum and by the World Evangelical Alliance
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Richard Howell and Thomas Schirrmacher hand Pope Francis reports on persecution in India, by the Global Christian Forum and by the World Evangelical Alliance
WRF members Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas Johnson discuss “Collaboration without Compromise”
As every year, the Director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom and International President of the International Society for Human Rights presented the two German Yearbooks on Religious Freedom (Jahrbuch Religionsfreiheit 2017) and the Yearbook on the Persecution and Discrimination of Christians (Jahrbuch Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2017) to Pope Francis personally.
According to the opinion of the evangelical theologian and mission scholar Christof Sauer, the new Apostolic Letter of Pope St. Francis with the title “There is no greater love (maiorem hac dilectionem) – on the offer of life” is to be welcomed, as far as it concerns the definition of a martyr.
INTERVIEW This interview was published by the Austrian Evangelical Alliance after the Bishops Synod on Marriage and Family in the Vatican in 2015.
The Deputy General Secretary of the World Evangelical Alliance, Thomas Schirrmacher, has given a positive review of the Pope's visit in Ajerbaijan. With his visit, the Pope encouraged the small number of Christians there and has made clear that he not only travels where he is guaranteed the approval of the masses.