Shelter home for former prostitutes put into operation
The Christian relief organization “Mission Freedom” (Hamburg) has opened a shelter in the Rhine-Main region for women who want to bail out of forced prostitution.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The Christian relief organization “Mission Freedom” (Hamburg) has opened a shelter in the Rhine-Main region for women who want to bail out of forced prostitution.
Here a new video of men speaking up against forced prostitution in Germany
While Germany seems to be a role model for France in economic matters, the opposite appears to be true for prostitution and human trafficking.
Dankenswerterweise hat DIE WELT meinen Leserbrief zu einem Artikel, der Protitution glorifiziert und behauptet, in Deutschland gäbe es praktisch keine Zwnagsprostitution und keine Zuhälter, abgedruckt, so dass ich ihn hier zur Verfügung stellen kann:
The Evangelical Alliance of Darmstadt, Germany, shows how to break the taboos that dehumanize
Everyone knows what slavery is, from school, from television documentaries, or from the movies. The abolition of slavery belongs to the triumphs of history. It is an integral component of the path to human rights, […]