“To serve the King of Peace is our highest honour!”
The Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns of the World Evangelical Alliance speaks at South African Theological Seminary – ceremony is now on YouTube.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns of the World Evangelical Alliance speaks at South African Theological Seminary – ceremony is now on YouTube.
Recently, ten elder statesmen of Evangelical theological education, came together in Schmitten, near Frankfurt, to establish Re-Forma, which has now been legally listed in the roll of the Court in Bonn, Germany.
Since September 1st 2018, Rev. Dr. Frank Hinkelmann serves as the new President of Martin Bucer Theological School and Research Institute (MBS) active in a dozen of countries.
Thomas Schirrmacher has called on churches in Asia to send more Asian missionaries to Europe. He spoke in front of an audience of millions. His speech at Yoido Full Gospel Church is now available in Korean.
A professorship dedicated to the topic of “religious freedom and research on persecution of Christians” is a novelty in German speaking areas. At the inauguration special emphasis was placed on the universality of the human right to freedom of religion or belief and its positive implications.
An internationally well known European theologian and church leader has called upon the churches in Asia, to send more missionaries to Europe.
As a young man, I had the rare chance to meet Billy Graham personally. I asked him what he would do differently if he could Iive over again. He replied that before becoming a Christian leader, he would have invested much more time in studying the Bible in depth and being discipled by a respected Bible teacher.