The handover of Martin Bucer Seminary has been successful
Since September 1st 2018, Rev. Dr. Frank Hinkelmann serves as the new President of Martin Bucer Theological School and Research Institute (MBS) active in a dozen of countries.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Since September 1st 2018, Rev. Dr. Frank Hinkelmann serves as the new President of Martin Bucer Theological School and Research Institute (MBS) active in a dozen of countries.
Thomas Schirrmacher has called on churches in Asia to send more Asian missionaries to Europe. He spoke in front of an audience of millions. His speech at Yoido Full Gospel Church is now available in Korean.
An internationally well known European theologian and church leader has called upon the churches in Asia, to send more missionaries to Europe.
Theological Commission of WEA in Bible engagement Fifty-six key influencers of global theological education, representing every continent, gathered 2-6 June in São Paulo, Brazil, for the Lausanne Consultation on Theological Education: Toward Biblical Partnership in Global […]
“for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; …” (Ephesians 4:12) 1. What Do We Want Martin Bucer Seminary To Be? “Many German seminaries […]
A friendly helper from the organiser typed my special address as Chair oft he Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance to the Pan-Asia TEE conference in October 2010 in Kathmandu, Nepal, from the recording […]