WEA calls for a decade of world mission
“2033” – The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins call to global church for a decade of Great Commission Effort
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
“2033” – The World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) joins call to global church for a decade of Great Commission Effort
WEA Publishes 175th Anniversary Reprint of “Goodly Fellowship”, 1946 Tribute to the Life and Work of the WEA
Global Director of Advocacy from the World Evangelical Alliance reflects on WEA’s and EAUK’s top leaders visit to the intergovernmental ministerial in London
Decision-makers must “fulfil their commitments”, says WEA after key religious freedom conference in London
WEA pays tribute to its former International Director David Howard
The WCC and Global Christian Forum, in a signing ceremony, affirmed their unique roles in their mutual quest for Christian unity.
WEA and IJCIC hold historic first meeting in Jerusalem on jewish-evangelical relations