WEA Secretary General discusses current global crises with UN Head
The WEA Secretary General discusses current global crises with UN Head and commits to increased engagement on issues of common concern
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The WEA Secretary General discusses current global crises with UN Head and commits to increased engagement on issues of common concern
In this episode, Thomas Paul introduces the Evangelical Alliance of Israel: Harry, Secretary General and Danny, Chair.
A delegation of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) vistied Evangelicals and other chruch leaders in Vilnius (Lithuania)
Intervention in Vatican City in the meeting “Religions and Education: Towards a Global Compact on Education: Meeting of the Representatives of Religions”
WEA-Generalsekretär gratuliert dem UN-Umweltprogramm zum 50. Jahrestag und bezeichnet die UN-Organisation als „Pionier bei der Einbeziehung religiöser Gruppen“
The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) informs himself on the threat of nuclear weapons through global expert Jonathan Granoff
The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) meets Senator Thomas Cotton, discussing the situation in Afghanistan and security issues in Asia