An Appeal for Alternative Education Models for Church and Missions
MBS TEXTE 14 An article that deals with the necessity of a change in our theological education.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
MBS TEXTE 14 An article that deals with the necessity of a change in our theological education.
BOOK Is Involvement in the Fight Against the Persecution of Christians Solely for the Benefit of Christians? – “But with gentleness and respect”: Why missions should be ruled by ethics – Persecution – May a Christian Go to Court? – Putting Rumors to Rest – Human Rights and Christian Faith – There Has to Be a Social Ethic.
Der Vorsitzende des Kuratoriums des Internationalen Instituts für Religionsfreiheit (Bonn, Kapstadt, Colombo), Pfarrer Dr. Paul C. Murdoch, hat eine positive Bilanz der Generalversammlung der Weltweiten Evangelischen Allianz in Pattaya gezogen.