The Christian media magazine PRO has written the following about my comment on Bekim Agai’s theses – the whole article with the presentation of his theses can be found here: PDF-Download
Abbreviated Problem Analysis
Thomas Schirrmacher, chair of the German Evangelical Alliance’s working group on religious freedom, sees a logical problem in Aigi’s argumentation. “Yes, problems should not be reduced to purely religious questions or a religion,” Schirrmacher told pro. However, for Professor Agai this means that social problems have nothing to do with religion. By referring to the social environment, Agai truncates the analysis of the problems. The social environment of Muslims, while not only including their religion and worldview, indeed in encompasses religion and worldview.
“It is very right and important to stress that there is not only confrontation between Islam and Christianity in history and in the present,” Schirrmacher said. But Agai omits the other side. In reality there is cooperation between Christians and Muslims in efforts for peace. However, there is also confrontation between both faiths in countries like Nigeria or in German refugee shelters.
The fact that many Muslims in Germany are well integrated does not change the fact that there is a minority that it is not well integrated and perhaps does not want to be. Schirrmacher stressed that the problems could only be solved if all facets of a conflict are addressed openly and honestly.

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