The Secretary General of WEA, Thomas Schirrmacher, and the Permanent Representative of WEA to the World Council of Churches (WCC), Samuel van der Maas, attended the virtual Central Committee meeting of the World Council of Churches February 9-15, 2022 as „advisors“. Thomas Schirrmacher attended all the yearly CC meetings since its election in Busan, Korea, 2013, that is in 2014 (in Geneva), 2016 (in Trondheim, Norway), 2018 (in Geneva) and the virtual meeting 2021.
The Central Committee is elected by the Assembly from among its delegates and serves as the chief governing body of the WCC until the next assembly, meeting every 2 years. It is responsible for carrying out the policies adopted by the Assembly, reviewing and supervising WCC programmes and the budget of the Council. The Assembly elects the presidents of the WCC, who serve as members of the Central Committee. The Executive Committee (including the leadership of the WCC Central Committee) is elected by the Central Committee and normally meets twice a year. The general secretary serves ex officio as secretary of the Central and Executive Committees. The present Central Committee was elected by the WCC 10th Assembly in November 2013. The present committee consists of 150 members from all global regions and its term ends at the next General assembly of the WCC in October 2022 in Karlsruhe, Germany.

Samuel van der Maas with the General Secretary of the Muslim World League during a WCC symposium in Geneva 2021
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