Aspiring to a better Understanding of the New Testament Letters
In my German six-volume „Ethik“ (Ethics) and other books I often relay on Wilhelm Lütgert (1867–1938), Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology. My book „Law and Spirit“ on the Letter to the Galatians follows Lütgert’s view of the epistle.
Now an abridged and edited English version of an article of Lütgert’s view of the Pauline letters was published in Evangelical Review of Theology [43 (2019) 1: 40-52]. The earliest version was published in 2005 in Jahrbuch für evangelikale Theologie (The Yearbook of Evangelical Theology) 19 (2005): 139–166.
I know offer here the two long versions in German and English and the shorter versions from the Yearbook and Evangelical Review of Theology.
- Wilhelm Lütgert und seine Studien zu den Gegnern der Apostel (JET 19 (2005): 139–166)
- Wilhelm Lütgert und seine Studien zu den Gegnern der Apostel Auf dem Weg zu einem besseren Verständnis der neutestamentlichen Briefe (long version)
- Wilhelm Lütgert and his Studies of the Apostles’ Opponents: Aspiring to a Better Understanding of the New Testament Letters (ERT (2019) 43:1, 40–52)
- Wilhelm Lütgert and his Studies of the Apostles’ Opponents: Aspiring to a better Understanding of the New Testament Letters (long version)
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