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World Evangelical Alliance establishes WEA Sustainability Center in Bonn (Germany)
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World Evangelical Alliance establishes WEA Sustainability Center in Bonn (Germany)
Thomas and David Schirrmacher. Corruption: When Self-Interest Comes before the Common Good. The WEA Global Issues Series. Vol. 19. Bonn, 2019.
ARTICLE In my German six-volume „Ethik“ (Ethics) and other books I often relay on Wilhelm Lütgert (1867–1938), Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology. My book „Law and Spirit“ on the Letter to the Galatians follows Lütgert’s view of the epistle.
Thomas Schirrmacher. Modern Fathers: Neither Wimps nor Tyrants. World of Theology Series. Vol. 13. Culture and Science Publishing: Bonn, 2019.
LECTURE In November 2018, Thomas Schirrmacher opened a workshop entitled “Ethical Education in the Bundeswehr on the development of Central Service Regulations for Ethical Education in the Bundeswehr” (German Armed Forces) in the Stauffenberg Room of the Federal Ministry of Defense in Berlin with a lecture entitled “Peace Ethics – Leadership Ethics – Ethical Education: a Luxury or the Lifeblood of Modern Armed Forces?”
It is gratifying that in Germany politicians who neither suck their honey from making other politicians look bad nor pay constant attention to their media image can still be successful.
ARTICLE Christian ethics is so inseparably bound to the Christian faith that it cannot exist as a separate, free-floating entity.