Schirrmacher encourages Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea to fight against corruption and to protect the rainforest
The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, James Marape, has invited Schirrmacher to present his new anti-corruption programme.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, James Marape, has invited Schirrmacher to present his new anti-corruption programme.
English translation of the book “Corruption” by David und Thomas Schirrmacher is launched at the Integrity Conference in Manila
Under the title “Advancing climate justice with faith-based renewable energy projects” the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) will host an official side event at the Fourth United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-4).
With the participation of representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), the National Prayer Breakfast took place in Taipei with President Tsai Ing-wen, who, after her speech, was publicly prayed for on stage.
Evangelische Allianz bietet Abend „Multikulturelle Gesellschaft“ an
Interview mit den Autoren des neuen Buches „Korruption“ David und Thomas Schirrmacher Bonner Querschnitte: Warum sollte jemand, der selbst nicht korrupt oder von Korruption betroffen ist, Ihr Buch lesen? Thomas Schirrmacher: Korruption ist kein privates […]