Is there a Contradiction Between the Two Creation Accounts?
ARTICLE in the Journal for the Application of Christian Principles to Contemporary Society on the two Creation Accounts.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
ARTICLE in the Journal for the Application of Christian Principles to Contemporary Society on the two Creation Accounts.
ARTICLE The great Danish scientist Niels Bohr (1885–1962), who received the Nobel Prize in 1922, introduced the concept of complementarity broadly into physics.
ARTICLE In my German six-volume „Ethik“ (Ethics) and other books I often relay on Wilhelm Lütgert (1867–1938), Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology. My book „Law and Spirit“ on the Letter to the Galatians follows Lütgert’s view of the epistle.
These comments were written during Pope Benedict XVI’s term in office, prior to his resignation. References that were current at the time have not been changed.
Two world religions – two global books: Bible and Koran. Both are distributed millions and millions of times. Their contents write world history. But two books can hardly be more different in origin, style and message. Finally, the reader learns briefly and succinctly what unites and above all separates the two – now also available in Greek!
The Chairman of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, during an address in Osnabrueck entitled “Christ Alone” and held upon the anniversary of the Reformation, has defended the thesis that the age of global dialog where religions are made out to be the same is coming to an end.