ANAJURE 2019 – Opening with Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher
Exploring responses to religious discrimination and persecution.
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Exploring responses to religious discrimination and persecution.
World Evangelical Alliance establishes WEA Sustainability Center in Bonn (Germany)
Thomas Schirrmacher criticized the guide “‘Christians and Muslims’: discussion paper on a theological determination of the way of the Protestant regional church in Baden“. The „Network of Protestant Christians in Baden“ and the „ChristusBewegung Baden“ had commissioned the theologian and sociologist of religion with an expert opinion of the discussion paper.
ARTICLE In my German six-volume „Ethik“ (Ethics) and other books I often relay on Wilhelm Lütgert (1867–1938), Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology. My book „Law and Spirit“ on the Letter to the Galatians follows Lütgert’s view of the epistle.
For the sixth time the World Watch List of Open Doors has been audited positively by a team of five scholars of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF).
The European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) celebrated on January 16 the 25 years of socio-political engagement in Europe.