Asia Bibi is a “classic case of political asylum”
New Yearbooks ‘Religionsfreiheit 2018’ and ‘Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2018’ presented
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
New Yearbooks ‘Religionsfreiheit 2018’ and ‘Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Christen 2018’ presented
With the participation of representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), the National Prayer Breakfast took place in Taipei with President Tsai Ing-wen, who, after her speech, was publicly prayed for on stage.
A review by Christiane Zeigermann on the book Menschenhandel – Die Rückkehr der Sklaverei. Courtesy of
Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. Where it is violated, other human rights are also in a bad state. This view was proposed by Thomas Schirrmacher (Bonn), Associate Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, on November 1st in Wuppertal.
The Christian relief organization “Mission Freedom” (Hamburg) has opened a shelter in the Rhine-Main region for women who want to bail out of forced prostitution.
These comments were written during Pope Benedict XVI’s term in office, prior to his resignation. References that were current at the time have not been changed.
I do not know how often I did fly to Istanbul or had a stop over in Istanbul. But I never succeeded to make good photos out of the plane. Most times there were clouds or smog, if the sight was good, I did sit on the wrong side or was sleeping like a baby.