Requirements for the dialogue between Christians and Muslims
Study Day of Evangelical Groups in the Regional Church Baden
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Study Day of Evangelical Groups in the Regional Church Baden
Thomas Schirrmacher criticized the guide “‘Christians and Muslims’: discussion paper on a theological determination of the way of the Protestant regional church in Baden“. The „Network of Protestant Christians in Baden“ and the „ChristusBewegung Baden“ had commissioned the theologian and sociologist of religion with an expert opinion of the discussion paper.
The president of the International Council of the ISHR and Director of the IIRF, Professor Thomas Schirrmacher, thanked the 40.000 participants of the Ahmadiyya Jalsa Salana in Karlsruhe for not only enjoying religious freedom in Germany after having fled death threats in Pakistan, but in turn loud and insisting called for religious freedom and against any violence or compulsion in religion.
As was announced only now due to security reasons, the Syrian-Orthodox Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II and the Associate Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, Bishop Thomas Schirrmacher, two days before Christmas 2017 addressed the highest Muslim leaders of 40 countries and called upon them to protect their Christian minorities.
In this article I am concerned with the question whether apologetics of the Christian faith towards other religions and world views is basically compatible with an interreligious dialogue.
Report by ideaHeute on the second National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast in the Hofburg in Vienna
ARTICLE “Protestant responsibility” (“Evangelische Verantwortung”) of the EAK of the CDU/CSU publishes “critical statement” on the decision of the Rhenish State Synod