Statement on the symposium on conversion in asylum procedures
Thanks to the German Bishops’ Conference and the Protestant Church in Germany for the symposium “Conversion to Christianity in the Context of Asylum Procedure”
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Thanks to the German Bishops’ Conference and the Protestant Church in Germany for the symposium “Conversion to Christianity in the Context of Asylum Procedure”
ARTICLE “Protestant responsibility” (“Evangelische Verantwortung”) of the EAK of the CDU/CSU publishes “critical statement” on the decision of the Rhenish State Synod
Why of all Things do Muslims become Christians? A Word regarding the Baptisms of Iranians, Afghans, and Others
Der Menschenrechtspreis 2016 der Schweizer Sektion der IGFM geht an eine mutige und zugunsten der Menschenrechte bewusst polarisierende Frau, die gewissermaßen in einem der wichtigsten Wespennester der Gegenwart ‚herumstochert‘.
Till Stoldt hat mich in seinem ausgezeichnet recherchierten Artikel „Vor allem diese Flüchtlinge werden Christen“ über die Taufen von Asylsuchenden in deutschen Kirchen mehrfach kurz interviewt.
ARTICLE Dalits who convert to Islam or Christianity in India lose their legal status as Dalits and with that the financial and legal support to which they are entitled according to the constitution and legal code.