The Letter to the Romans as a charter for world mission
Why dogmatics is only healthy as a doctrine of mission
Ethics · Society · Theology · Mission · Sociology of Religions
Why dogmatics is only healthy as a doctrine of mission
In this episode, Thomas Paul (Secretary General of the WEA) explains why Paul was a religious extremist too.
ARTICLE As an evangelical theologian, I affirm that the ‘evangel’, God’s gospel of love and forgiveness, is the sole message of hope for this world.
ARTICLE Thoughts on the relationship of theology, missiology and mission, presented by the chair of the Theological Commission of World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), Thomas Schirrmacher, to the General Assembly of the Missions Commission of the WEA at Schwäbisch-Gmünd, Germany, November 2011.
I just received an English translation of my oldest article on Romans from 1999, which later grew into large studies.
ARTICLE Aspiring to a Better Understanding of the New Testament Letters
ARTICLE In my German six-volume „Ethik“ (Ethics) and other books I often relay on Wilhelm Lütgert (1867–1938), Professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology. My book „Law and Spirit“ on the Letter to the Galatians follows Lütgert’s view of the epistle.