Idea airs four hours of interview with Thomas Schirrmacher in its podcast produced by and for young Christians

Foto: Prof. Thomas Schirrmacher. Foto: creedoo/Daniel Höly

Prof. Thomas Schirrmacher. Photo: creedoo/Daniel Höly

Die Idealisten” run by the German evangelical magazine idea, its young generation podcast, produced by young people for young people, interviewed Thomas Schirrmacher for four hours in his office deep into the night. Originally meant for selecting two podcasts of half an hour each, the young people finally decided to air the whole four hours in two podcasts of 2,5 and 1,5 hours, as they see it as a rare case, where an older evangelical leader shares a lot of personal insides about work/life balance, being evangelical between to narrow and to board minded wings of evangelicalism and how to assure, that we refocus in evangelism on the present day world again and again. Idea writes:

“In the first part of the interview, the author of more than 100 books explains which pope he ‘struggled with’ and why Christians should use social media to evangelize, even if their business model is unethical. If you want to talk to people about Jesus, God and the Christian faith, ‘you can only do it where they are. Whether I like it or not’. Indeed, he said, the church has an interest in taking the message of Jesus ‘everywhere’. That’s why, he said, he’s open to new ways of spreading the gospel. The donation-funded Jesus series ‘The Chosen’ is a good example, he said. The IDEA podcast can be found at and popular podcast apps (e.g., Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts). In the format, Christian personalities from the church, art and culture tell how they live their faith and what drives them.”

Thomas Schirrmacher, Bischop and WEA Secretary General in the “IDEALIST podcast”:

Download episode 1Apple Podcast

Download episode 2Apple Podcast