Senior Advisor on Biblical Archaeology and History of the Bible, Alexander Schick, shows the Secretary General original Bibles from the reformation times

Alexander Schick and Thomas Schirrmacher

As the 500th jubilee of Martin Luther’s first translation of the New Testament, the so-called “September Testament”, published September 21, 1522, Alexander Schick, the Senior Advisor on Biblical Archaeology and History of the Bible to the Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance, on June 11, 2022 gave Thomas Schirrmacher a detailed instruction on a number of Bibles from the Reformation times.

Alexander Schick also got a positive reaction from Jerusalem, to show Schirrmacher some of the originals of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are rarely shown to experts. Only one person even has the right to take the originals out of the well tempered and protected tresors.

The Secretary General of the World Evangelical Alliance has appointed Alexander Schick as Senior advisor on Biblical Archaeology and History of the Bible. Schick was born in Sylt, the northernmost island of Germany, which is the base of the largest Bible exhibition in Europe, which he built up and which is available in the web in several languages. He is an expert of the Dead Sea Scrolls from Qumran and the finds from St. Catherine’s Monastery. He has lectured all over the globe and led many fact finding missions to the whole Middle East. He became internationally known for his bestselling book in several languages, “Fascination Qumran” and “The True Sacrilege”, answers to Dan Browns novels and films around the Da Vinci Code.

Alexander Schick and Thomas Schirrmacher

Schirrmacher said:

“The Bible itself and its trustworthiness play a central role for Evangelicals. Alexander Schick will update me on most recent finding and developments. He also will be WEAs contact person to the Israel Antiquities Authority, and to all kind of Bible museums and similar institutions. As he is personally friend with many Israeli archaeologists whose excavation photographs appear in the lexicon, e.g. Eilat Mazar Ronny Reich. Alexander also is a gifted and dedicated photographer and always has up-to-date photographs of sites of biblical interest.”

Here are some comments of leading experts around the world about Alexander Schick:

Stephen Pfann, Ph.D. (President, University of the Holy Land):

“Alexander Schick, colleague and friend, is remarkable in his dedication to Biblical research and its complementary fields. An avid bibliophile and curator of historical photo archives, he brings a thirst for knowledge, a keen intellect, tireless dedication, abundant enthusiasm, and an ability to make friends across many fields, institutions and geographic borders. On top of all this, he is an outstanding photographer in his own right. The World Evangelical Alliance will only benefit from his appointment as Senior Advisor. The University of the Holy Land congratulates Alexander and the WEA on this excellent appointment.”

James K. Hoffmeier, PhD (Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Archaeology & Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School):

“Alexander Schick is a treasure trove of knowledge and information about Biblical Archaeology. As a professor and field archaeologists, I find him to be extremely well informed on the old issues and the new debates, and he is eager to teach others, motivated by his love for Jesus Christ.”

Randall Price, Ph.D (Distinguished Research Professor of Biblical and Judaic Studies Rawlings School of Divinity, Liberty University Co-Director, Qumran Cave Excavation Project Dead Sea, Israel):

“Alexander Schick has significant contacts and friendships with many of the leading archaeologists worldwide. This allows him to have access to information on important discoveries long before it is released through the media. He is also a superb researcher and uncovers often overlooked data that is crucial to other scholars in the field. I applaud his appointment to this new position and believe it will greatly benefit the international evangelical community.”

James H Charlesworth (George L. Collord Professor of New Testament Language and Literature Director and Editor, Princeton Dead Sea Scrolls Project Ramat haSharon Israel):

“Alexander Schick is an informed person who serves our Lord.”